6 Themes to Use to Build a Horror Vinyl Collection

Posted on: 24 May 2021

Horror motion picture soundtrack vinyl collections sit at the intersection of several interesting cultural currents. Consequently, folks can pursue a lot of themes with their horror vinyl collections. If you're not sure which themes might bring your collection together better, you can explore these six.


As movie genres go, horror has seen as many distinct eras as any type of motion picture has. Films from the 1920s will have differing soundtracks from ones from the 1950s or 1970s. If you want something more modern to listen to, you can dig into the horror movies of the 1990s and 2000s.

Don't be afraid to build subcollections from different eras, too. Not only will this provide a varied listening experience, but the differences in album art can be quite compelling.


You don't have to narrowly define horror. It comes in lots of subgenres, covering both comedy and drama. From 1980s teen slasher films to existential horror from the 2000s, there are lots of subgenres to explore.

Subgenres also offer crossover appeal. If you want to mix your horror vinyl collections to overlap with sci-fi, for example, you'll be immensely rewarded by the soundtracks of films ranging from The Thing to Aliens.

Taking a sweeping view of the history of horror motion pictures will also make your collection more conversation-worthy. Likewise, you'll discover some films you didn't know and that will drive you to collect more.


An album from a film that comes from a country people don't usually associate with horror can elevate a collection significantly. You also can build from established cultural forms, such as Japanese horror, to build a strong theme for a collection.


People want to put their own stamps on collections, and one way for you to do that is to focus on beloved directors. Whether you're into Wes Craven or Rob Zombie will say a lot about your tastes. Especially if you're going to feature the collection in a home theater room, the albums and their art can set the tone.


If you feel a collection is getting stale or overly focused, it might be time to think about the tropes of horror. You could build a collection based on films where hapless victims do the opposite of what any sensible person would do, for example.

Monsters and Villains

What is a horror movie without a really good bad guy? You can make all the juicy bits of a horror vinyl collection more delectable by focusing on the monsters and villains who make them fun.
